Hi! I'm glad you found my site, but I've moved to another one! So if you like what you see, come visit my new blog at http://www.ellemm.com - there you'll find all the posts from this site, plus up-to-date posts about growing veggies, farming, rural life, and more! - Laura

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Projected Pepper Overload

A couple weeks ago I realized that I had somehow mixed up two flats of seedlings. Lesson learned: label seedling flats clearly and directly in a manner than cannot be mixed up when you adjust things. So here you see two rows of what I originally intended to be tomatillos. I was looking forward to a huge overabundance of tomatillos! They cook down into a delicious jam.

But no. These are all pepper plants. And about half of what has been planted. Originally I thought I transplanted 8 hot peppers, 20 bell peppers, and 30 tomatillos. But I actually have 8 tomatillos, 20 bell peppers (see, I didn't mix those ones up), and 30 hot peppers. 30! And they all look fantastic and healthy and strong. What am I going to do with all those peppers? Here is a tomatillo husk from the other side of the garden, by the way, looking nice and plump, waiting for the fruit to fill it out from inside!

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