Monday, April 8, 2013

Sowing Leftovers

I found a bucket full of sprouting onions in the garage the other day.

Last year we planted a variety of onion sets (immature onion bulbs grown from seed), harvested some, let them dry, and cooked with them. All very tasty. When it was finally too cold to do anything else in the garden, we pulled the rest out, stuck them in a bucket, forgot about them, and they spent the winter in the garage.

Last year's onions were pretty small, since we didn't weed or water them nearly as much as we should have (taking a 2 week vacation in July didn't help either). No sense in letting them go to waste, and we certainly aren't short on space in the garden, so why not plant them and see how they do this year?

After sorting out the soft and unusable ones, I was left with a pretty big pile of red, white, and yellow onions, plus a couple varieties of shallots.

They look pretty nice for such neglected little veggies.

I spaced these all about 4 inches apart, so they should have plenty of room to grow if they are inclined to do so. If nothing else, it is nice to see some green in the garden this early!

May 16 Update: these guys have taken off! I'm so pleased that they haven't gone to waste after all.

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