Sunday, April 7, 2013

Peas, Please!

It's early April. The garden is bare and brown. I look at the packet of peas. "Plant the first sowing in early spring as soon as the soil can be worked," it says. "Ok!" I says.

First to prepare the humus. This is powdery black stuff comprised of organic matter and beneficial bacteria that inoculates seeds and keeps them healthy.

The package directs you to mix it with water and dunk the seeds in it, but you can also just sprinkle it over the seeds before you cover them with dirt. I chose to mix it up with water just because. Here it is, a very appealing sauce:

Add the dry peas... this is starting to sound like a cooking blog.

And mix together the whole shebang until well-coated.

The peas are going in a shallow trench where I already put up a twine trellis.

And here it is, smoothed over and watered. The dirt is pretty terrible looking, isn't it? Nothing like the nice dark soil that comes in a bag from the garden store.

But miracles happened last year, so I have high hopes this time around!

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