Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pole Beans

To support my pole beans I chose 6-foot-long bamboo poles and lashed them together with twine. I could easily have chosen 8 foot poles but a) there's a significant cost jump in that extra two feet and b) even though I'm tall I don't relish the thought of picking beans overhead.

So now my supports are standing in slightly raised hills about 6" high, with 4 beans planted around the base of each. The poles are slender enough that the wind should not catch them while they are bare, and by the time the plants are big enough to pose a problem I hope they will also be sturdy enough to keep the supports grounded.

You can see I didn't water the freshly planted beans much. It's supposed to rain tonight so this was just to firm up the soil in the meantime. I also have six more hills to prep and plant... as soon as I get some more poles!

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