Monday, April 22, 2013

Pink Brandywine Wins the Race

The first seedlings have sprouted! Here are the lovely young Pink Brandywines (Burpee).

I was worried the temperature might not be warm enough; they are in a building where the heat is only set to 55F, but the fluorescent lights (5000K daylight bulbs), seem to be giving off enough heat to bring that up to snuff. I am not sure about the peppers, though; they like a warmer soil temp than others (80-90F) and I don't think it's quite that warm. I can move them to a sunny windowsill if needed.

Checking up on the other few things growing around the place... the rhubarb we transplanted at the beginning of April is doing great, and the strawberries are slowly adding some new leaves to the ones that survived the winter.

The plants from last year have a touch of sunburn (frost burn? I don't know) around the edges. Those are the two larger trios above. The rest are all new this spring. Happily there are about 3 dozen other spots starting to look just like this one, so it should be a nice productive patch this year!

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